How Far Along: 39 Weeks.....down to the wire
Baby Stats:
Cole is waiting to greet the world! He continues to build a layer of fat to help control his body temperature after birth, but it's likely he already measures about 20 inches and weighs a bit over 7 pounds (probably more!) The outer layers of his skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.
**info. from**
Movement: movement has decreased a little because he has little room to move in there
Sleep: the worst it has been :(
Symptoms: swelling has gone down significantly now that I'm working half days! My tummy does get sore and tight when he shifts from side to side though.
What I Miss: Wearing my Fall/Winter shoes! I look at them every morning and think my feet will squeeze in but no such luck! I know most people hate the big chunky crocs but I was at least looking forward to wearing those b/c they are comfortable and I don't even fit into those!!!!!!!!!!! I really hope my feet haven't changed FOREVER!!!
Best Moment of the Week: Dave has been working a side job some nights and most weekends so I haven't had a lot of down time to spend with him :(. The nasty weather on Saturday put a wrench in his plans but at least he got to spend the day at home with me! I just kept thinking how it could be the LAST weekend we have alone together! That is just wild! I've had 39 weeks to let it sink in but sometimes it still amazes me that this baby will actually be out in the real world VERY soon!!!!!